U n k n o w n S h o r e s

A Great Scattering Of Jades

Igonna go slit a goats throat and burn it and watch the smoke curl and coil around like kukulcan, maybe if we rip out enough hearts a wind serpent will descend from heaven to abase the nonbelievers. spiritual evolution relies on enough ESP density to precipitate involution like clouds seed around human suffering until rain falls runs and winds itself through black asphalt like a great feathered calamite grows from west of eden into the night. you should burn by the sea like quetzalcoatl the masked god, so burn more until your bones blacken in your body and your suffering makes you precipitate your own eternal involution forever like a snake winding on its own tail in the sky. they used to bleed people out until their blood ran like red pythons over stuccoed stone because dead burned bones are the clouds sky serpents coil around and feathered stars burn bright when white tigers bound atop green water in the night, climbing the cypress trees to kill pale scaled pythons who coil around feathered leaves. dead cypress bones are metempsychotic: towers reaching to west heaven where masked gods burn by the sea in fire feathers, smoke wound into a wind serpent because invisible creatures all around us, above us, waiting for me to cut out a heart and burn it. earn it. ill carve my mask of stone and theyll burn me but my jade feathered soul will return from the west, coiled on black bone

A short time ago, an intrepid band of wanderers heard the whispers of dea bones in their hearts, in their minds. The great king of the Mexica heard them whisper and heard them lie, and he believed in providence - as learned man often do - and followed his heart. This was the coming of the Mexica to the Valley of Mexico. Here they were invited as vassals to greater civilizations, who they rightly knew were merely pretenders. You see, there were giants in their memory - giants who left behind the grand temple complexes, oppressive and unknowable megaliths like dead, whsipering bones. Eating snakes was a favorite pastime of the Mexica, and this disgusted their benefactors so much that they were slaughtered for it. But shrewdly, like the snakes they consumed, they became eaters of dust at the fringe of wealth until the gold in the dust shone on their skin. With this gold they purchased royalty, began the counter-cannibalism campaign, and history proceeded as you remember.

Platicamos tanto acerca de Quetzalcoatl; the god-man of the prehispanic mileu. In the year One Reed, Topiltzin, Tlamacazqui, Ce Acatl, Quetzalcoatl descended from heaven across the glittering eastern sea on the Voice of a storm. Chimalman bore him after swallowing a Jade. Nine years of suffering passed, and the god-man searched for his father, until the people spoke to him, and they said, Lord, your Father is Dead. Ce Acatl, Quetzalcoatl dug up the bones and spoke with them - and laid them to rest in the temple for all to see. In his time, it was still memory when the sacred ancestor had spoke from his burial shroud in guttural tones and took the people from exile to their promised land. This was the year Nine Reed, and the King Huactli reigned over the destitute; the people wandered, without light, without a soul, left to die. Then came Xiuhtlacuiloxochitzin - an esteemed queen - who spoke with the goddess Itzapapalotl in her reed hut.
Quetzalcoatl had built his House of Fasting, a turquiose house of wood, which the people say is still there. I have seen it myself, by the river Panuco. The god-man fed secrets to his followers, and the Toltec lords (who themselves traced divine blood to the days of the Xelhua the Divine Architect and the last of the Gigant race of a long-set sun) uplifted Topiltzin , Ce Acatl, Quetzalcoatl, as the Prince Priest of Tollan. There were four houses: Turquiose the Wooden House of Fasting; a house of coral, red in the east; a white house of bleached Conch shell in the north; and a green house of Quetzal feathers to the west.

The sorcerors hated Quetzalcoatl, and they loathed what he had built. In every country under the sun you find them, in every house and every field. Tezcatlipoca the sorceror presented the King a mirror, and Quetzalcoatl saw a monstrous body. Every human being descends from Adam; this mirror, i suppose, inverts the image of one Adam Kadmon into a repugnant being of sores and sunken eyes. The King trusted him, and cloistered in the dark. Now came Coyotlinahual, and the King showed him to the due respect - greeted him as grandfather - took the mask of the devil artist - and embraced a visage like so: "First he made Quetzalcoatl's feather headdress, then he made him his turquoise mask, He took the color red to paint his lips, he took yellow and with it painted bars on his face. Then he gave him serpents fangs, then he fashioned him a beard of Cotinga feathers, and spoonbill feathers, which occulted in total his lower face. That cursed mirror showed him a lie: the sky serpent as beautiful as he was inhuman! Guess who, pikachu: Ihuimecatl, the third sorceror, was bid to seek the King by his older brothers; he invited his nigga Toltecatl and they entered the Xonacapcoyan village, in the guise of farmers. They grew fruits and prepared Pulque (an air-fermented fruit alcohol), they collected the Pulque, and they stored it in small honey jars.

O clouds unfold! Weeping fields, soiled! They tried to sneak in four times to see the Ce Acatl, and on the fourth attempt they lied, claiming to be Priest Mountain and Toltec Mountain (revered personages.) They met the King, he told them hes not looking to get fucked up, they said just oooone shot, and then Ce Acatl, Quetzalcoatl got wasted. They said, you must drink four. He drank four. Now they said, drink a fifth. He did. Then they gave pulque to all of the heralds, and to themselves. As they left the king said, send for my sister, Quetzalpetlatl. She drank five pulques. "Once they became inebriated, they no longer said, let us do penance, and they no longer went down to the water, and no longer did they prick their fingers to let blood with the Maguey thorn,, no longer did they do anything."

At dawn they were filled with misery. In short, they did something very immoral. Quetzalcoatl was shattered, and he ordered his heralds to craft a stone chest - a coffin - and he laid within for four days. On the fith day (the same as the fith sun, the ongoing era of the War on the Moon and Stars) he commanded them to carry him first to Tlillan Tlapallan, where it is black and red; now they went to Tlatlayan, where adorned in his turquoise mask Quetzalcoatl burned himself alive on the shores of the sea like a falling star; since then it was known as Tlatlayan, the place of burning.

You see, his ashes ascended; all the birds of precious feathers like jewels swarmed about, and at the heart was a quetzal bird. It was thus that Quetzalcoatl ascended into Heaven by violence. Now do we find it so interesting that he is the dawn star, Venus? I neglected to mention that Quetzalcoatl uplifted his savage people through the passing-on of new techniques - colored cotton, new crops cultivated on a mass scale, the organization of houses of fasting (including the eternal fast of the priest that he broke when he slept with his own sister...) They say that King Marduk greeted Alexander in Babylon; but when Alexander returned from the East, Marduk was dead. It is no coincidence that Quetzalcoatl incarnated in the West at this time.

The curiosity here is that Quetzalcoatl the god-man antecedes Quetzalcoatl the Deity by a thousand years. Kukulcan of the Maya was also far, far older - the same story; the high priest of Itza in the 10th Century also bore the name and a similar story. Now, Quetzalcoatl is the White Tezacatlipoca - the Lord of the West, Light, Justice, and the Storm. In the pre-islamic age of ignorance, the villagers were prone to belief in the idea that eating serpents was a bright idea; thats because quetzalcoatl implies not just "feather" "serpent" (quetzal-coatl) but also a "wise man", a snake who charms with his beauty and sharp attire. Perhaps this is why the Mexica consumed their snakes when the ossified reliquary who fathered their tribe ordered them to. Dear reader, if your exalted father asks YOU to eat a snake, would you really do it? It was a shimmering sunset when I saw the sky serpents; this was my great scattering of jades.

I dreamt of jade serpents dancing in the sky